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The top 5 health benefits of quitting smoking

Today I will introduce you to the top 5 benefits of quitting smoking. We also know that smoking causes chronic diseases a lot, including weakening the heart muscle, cancer, reducing the percentage of oxygen in the body, and weakening the functions of the mind.

It's never too late to quit smoking,  You can start now, and the sooner you stop the less chance you have of getting cancer and many serious medical conditions, within minutes of quitting smoking the last cigarette your body begins to recover.

The top 5 health benefits of quitting smoking

The benefits of quitting smoking

Increased oxygenation of the blood

Oxygen works on the growth of various body cells and the brain also feed on water and oxygen, and any lack of oxygen gas in the body is a general and comprehensive imbalance in the body and exposes it to many risks and diseases.

Therefore, we must be careful in following any habits that may lead to a lack of oxygen levels in the body, and this is what a scientific study has shown that smoking affects the rate of smoking in the body's cells.

In less than 20 minutes after smoking the last cigarette the heart rate decreases and returns to normal, blood pressure begins to decrease and may begin

On the mend, after just 12 hours without a cigarette, your body cleans itself of excess carbon monoxide from cigarettes, which increases oxygen levels in your blood.

Reduced risk of heart attack

After you go through the first day without smoking, your risk of heart attack begins to decrease, and blood pressure also decreases, which reduces the likelihood of

As a result of high blood pressure, your oxygen levels will also rise, increasing your physical activity and ability to exercise.

Millions of people around the world suffer from serious heart diseases such as myocardial infarction, or heart attack, and these diseases cause the death of many heart cells, resulting in heart failure, and after a while may lead to heart failure. 

The danger of these diseases lies in their recurrence since a person is more likely to get these diseases again after the first infection.

Recurrence of infection results in an increase in the number of cells that die in the heart, which increases the speed of heart failure, so patients with these diseases take drugs that maintain blood flow because atherosclerosis is the main cause of developing these diseases.

Restoring the lungs to their function

One of the benefits of quitting smoking is restoring the lungs to their function, you have less coughing and shortness of breath, and the cilia begin to restore their normal function in the output of the lungs, which increases their ability to clean the lungs of accumulated mucus, and reduce the risk of infection.

One of the scourges that plagued the world in the history of mankind, and one of the most common causes of death after wars and epidemics is smoking, mankind has not known a habit of destructive bad habits in modern times such as the habit of smoking, which causes the death of very large numbers of people annually from the impact of smoking on the body and what causes the brain, lung, and heart, and there is no doctor or specialist except and warned of the danger of smoking with its positive and negative quality.

For these reasons and because of the seriousness of the above-mentioned reasons, the person thinks about quitting smoking and takes practical and actual steps towards that, trying to get rid of those the journey of getting rid of the smoking habit harmful to health, the person encounters several important questions, including whether the lung returns to their normal state after quitting smoking.

All of these questions also include how long nicotine leaves the body, and all of them need to be answered and find out the fate of a positive person who made the right decision about himself and his life, his health and body, and even about his family and money.

It is worth for a person who wants to quit smoking to find out, whether through a doctor or the experiences of others, how much the lung benefits from quitting smoking, as the lungs of a person who quits smoking experience a clear improvement in the lung's ability to function normally.

The lung is clearly experiencing an improvement in health, as it regains its ability to perform its functions, and this can be observed by a person quitting smoking, as he notices for himself how much easier he gets to breathe, in cases of exercise or any exertion and the lack of a cough problem that accompanies smokers.

Reduced likelihood of coronary heart disease

You may feel the benefits of quitting smoking more after the first year of avoiding cigarettes, which are beneficial to your heart health and physical activity, and also multiply to the point where your likelihood of developing coronary heart disease is reduced to half the risk that a person who has not smoked all his life, in addition to a reduced chance of having a sudden heart attack.

Diagnosis of coronary artery disease

  • Electrocardiography. This quick and painless test measures the electrical activity of the heart. It may also show how fast or slow the heartbeat is. The doctor can look for patterns of signals to determine whether you are having a heart attack or not.
  • Echocardiogram. This test uses sound waves to create images of the heart as it beats. An echocardiogram can show how blood moves through the heart and its valves.
  • Parts of the heart may move poorly due to a lack of oxygen or a heart attack. This may be an indication of coronary artery disease or other pathological conditions.
  • Test the voltage. If the indications and symptoms often appear during exercise, the doctor may ask you to walk on an electric treadmill or ride a stationary bike during an electrocardiogram. Conducting an echocardiogram during exercise is called an echocardiogram during stress. If exercise is not possible, you can be given medications that stimulate the work of the heart in the way that exercise stimulates it.
  • Nuclear voltage testing. This test is similar to a voltage test, but adds images to the data recorded by the ECG examination. The nuclear voltage test shows how blood flows to the heart muscle at rest and during stress. A radioactive trace substance is injected through a vein. And the trace material helps the arteries of the heart appear more clearly in the pictures.
  • Computed tomography of the heart. Computed tomography of the heart can show calcium deposits and blockages in the arteries of the heart. Calcium deposits may cause the narrowing of the arteries.
  • And sometimes a tincture is given through a vein during this test. The dye helps to create detailed images of the arteries of the heart. If a dye is used, this test is called a computed tomography coronary angiogram.
  • Cardiac catheterization and angiography. During cardiac catheterization, the cardiologist gently inserts a flexible tube (catheter) into a blood vessel usually located in the wrist or groin. The catheter tube is gently guided into the heart. X-rays are used to guide it. The dye flows through the catheter tube. This dye helps to show blood vessels more clearly in the pictures and identify any blockages in them.

Reduced chance of stroke

It is possible that your risk of stroke five years after quitting smoking, as well as cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder will be halved compared to the period when you were addicted to smoking, and the risk of cervical cancer in women will also decrease.


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