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Many people suffer from the appearance of white spots on their faces at some point during their life, and the affected areas may be only on the face, or they may appear on the chest or arms as well.

white spots on the face, white bumps on the face, white patches on the face vitamin deficiency, white pimples on face, milia on forehead, small white bumps on the face, and hard white bumps on face.

The main reasons white patches on face

Causes of the appearance of white spots on the face

  • Melia

Milia may occur in people of all ages, often confused with whiteheads, milia are small, round, hard, white bumps on the face, and develop when keratin - a protein found in the upper layer of the skin - and other components of dead skin cells are trapped under the surface of the skin.

The most common areas for the appearance of milia are considered to be around the eyes, cheeks and nose.

And milia can cause an allergic reaction to harsh products, irritating face cream, sun damage.

The condition usually improves without treatment within a few weeks, dermatologists advise not to compress or puncture the bumps at home, a change in face cream or other products that may have caused a reaction may help, and it is also advisable for adults to follow a good skincare routine, including removing dead skin with a scrub and applying sunscreen.

And if the condition does not improve on its own, the dermatologist can treat in several different ways, one of which is skin peeling.

  • Vitiligo

Vitiligo may affect people of all skin colors and Tiger age stages and may be caused by genetic factors.

Vitiligo appears in the form of patches of skin that have lost their color and can appear anywhere on the body, including the face, and the white spots may start small and sometimes remain that way, but they can slowly increase until the patch covers a large part of the body, and occasionally, some color may return to the affected area, but rarely completely.

There are several possible treatments for vitiligo, which depend on the severity of the condition, and people with vitiligo should apply sunscreen at all times, as the affected skin will burn more easily.

The doctor may also recommend anti-inflammatory creams, to help restore the lost pigment.

Artificial ultraviolet therapy or phototherapy can be used, often over several months. Laser therapy can also be used to treat certain areas of the skin.

  • Pityriasis alba

Pityriasis alba is believed to be a type of eczema that appears as pale pink or red, scaly areas on the skin, which can sometimes be whitish.

And there can be up to 20 patches, most often on the face and arms, and pityriasis alba is more pronounced in people with dark skin or after sun exposure.

The condition is mostly found in children and adolescents, with 5% of children worldwide having the condition at some point.

There is no specific treatment for pityriasis alba, but the doctor may treat any symptoms of itching or discomfort with a steroid or non-steroid cream.

And if the spots begin to itch or feel uncomfortable dryness, a person should consult a doctor.

  • Pityriasis versicolor

The overgrowth of yeast on the skin may change its color, causing pityriasis Versicolor, a common condition, due to yeast infection, causes lighter or darker spots on the skin, and can occur anywhere on the body, and may cause itching, a feeling of dryness or flaking. Pityriasis Versicolor appears more commonly in adolescents and younger adults.

Pityriasis Versicolor can occur during pregnancy, but it does not pose any danger, as one study showed that the yeast that causes pityriasis Versicolor was more abundant during the later stages of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth.

There are many different ways to treat tinea versicolor, and the spots may take a few months to return to their previous color, and sun cream should be used to protect the skin from the sun's Rays.

Tips to get rid of white spots on the face

  1. Use aloe vera to get rid of white spots on the face.
  2. Use coconut oil to get rid of white spots on the face.
  3. Use tea tree oil to get rid of white spots on the face.
  4. Copper helps reduce the appearance of white spots on the face.
  5. Red clay helps reduce white spots on the face.
  6. Use ginger to get rid of white spots on the face.
  7. Use vitamin E oil in the treatment of white spots on the face.
  8. Use honey to treat white spots on the face.
  9. Reduce the appearance of white spots on the face by reducing sun exposure.
  10. Treat white spots on the face with a healthy diet.


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