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electronic cigarettes, smoking cessation, quitting smoking timeline, benefits of quitting smoking, the best way to quit smoking, stop smoking hypnosis, ways to quit smoking, abandoned smoking hypnosis, stop smoking timeline, and smoking cessation programs.

Stop smoking electronic cigarettes now

What are electronic cigarettes?

Smokers use e-cigarettes to quit smoking but are this method safe and effective.

Many different types of electronic cigarettes are used, also known as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) products, and sometimes electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ends). 

These systems heat a liquid to produce an aerosol that the user inhales. 

These e-liquids may or may not contain nicotine (but not tobacco), but they usually contain additives, flavors, and chemicals that can be toxic and harm people's health.

What are the benefits of using electronic cigarettes? 

I'm not going to say that there are no health benefits to an e-cigarette, there are, but not as many as you might expect.

  1. They do not produce carbon dioxide and do not harm others with passive smoking.
  2. do not leave a smell even on clothes.
  3. can be used almost anywhere even indoors.
  4. it does not produce ash and no residue, it contributes to cleanliness and leaves places beautiful.
  5. they contain much fewer substances than tobacco cigarettes. The difference is quite significant.
  6. the solution for electronic cigarettes consists of substances authorized for use in therapeutic and food products.
  7. the answer is 80% cheaper than conventional cigarettes even the most expensive types of solutions made from natural materials are considered cheaper than tobacco.
  8. many delicious flavors (fruit flavors such as lemon, raspberry, peach, and fig; in addition to other flavors such as tobacco flavor, vanilla flavor, and chocolate)
  9. reduces the desire for traditional cigarettes, and facilitates quitting tobacco.
  10. he managed to control the amount of nicotine to zero.
  11. some of the health benefits of quitting tobacco are improving the sense of taste and smell.
  12. reduces the risk of fires because e-cigarettes do not use lighters.
  13. and fog with a higher density than conventional cigarette smoke can be produced.
  14. does not contain tar and does not contain tobacco.
  15. does not cause coughing or shortness of breath.
  16. unlike e-cigarettes, tobacco smoking has been linked to cancer and other damage to fertility and pregnancy.

What are the risks of using electronic cigarettes?

The so-called electronic cigarette has recently appeared, so what is an electronic cigarette, And what are the harms of an electronic cigarette.

  • Increased risk of premature birth.
  • Negative effects on the body due to the nicotine contained in them.
  • Suffering from a range of toxins.
  • Addiction.
  • Negative impact on others.
  • Increased desire of adolescents to smoke.
  • Negative impact on the brain.
  • Increased chance of developing chronic lung diseases.
  • The appearance of pathological symptoms on the body.

What are the ingredients in electronic cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes create a vapor made of fine and ultrafine particles of suspended particles, which were found to contain propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine, flavors, trace amounts of toxic substances, carcinogens, heavy metals, metal nanoparticles, and other substances.

  1. A small lamp for lighting.
  2. Battery for charging.
  3. An exhalation sensor.
  4. Heating cell.
  5. The liquid solution.
  6. Filter for purification.

How can I quit using electronic cigarettes?

Almost half of the teenagers surveyed said they had seriously considered quitting smoking, according to new research, but about 25% said they had failed in their attempt to quit smoking.

This is dangerous for adolescents who are at risk of nicotine addiction and switching to cigarette smoking. And people addicted to nicotine have a higher risk of developing complications of "covid-19", the disease caused by the emerging coronavirus.

  1. Find out why you quit smoking.
  2. Stick to the Smoking Cessation Date you set .
  3. Make a smoking cessation plan.
  4. Know what you have to expect.
  5. Identify triggers, seek social support, and have some self-compassion.
  6. Imagine yourself quitting e-smoking.

Tips for quitting an electronic cigarette

After learning about the harms of an electronic cigarette, here are important tips that will help you keep anyone close to you away from the danger of smoking:

  1. Make a correct picture of the harms of smoking and stay away from smoking yourself, and make sure that your children are not exposed to the risk of secondhand smoke by being in the vicinity of smokers.
  2. Talk about the dangers of smoking electronic cigarettes in front of their smokers.Say goodbye to cigarettes of all kinds.
  3. Discover nicotine replacement options, such as patches, gum, lozenges, and nasal spray, to deal with withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Talk to your doctor about medication.
  5. Tell your friends and colleagues who smoke electronic cigarettes that you have been freed from the bad habit.
  6. Specify the date of quitting smoking.


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